That's right! This little monkey is 2 months old! This past month has been full of things going on and new things for Avery. We started the month off with Avie's 8 week check up, which means shot day. We had been prepared for that day by friends who have babies and we thought we were mentally prepared for what was going to happen. We figured we would get to the doctor and during the docs exam Avery would start to cry and already be crying when they stuck her with her shots...welllll we were wrong. Avery was SO happy that day. Smiling like crazy and looked like she wanted to giggle at everything we had to say, and continued to smile through the docs exam. Then the shots came...Avery was laying there on the table, looking at me and Jonas smiling her smile that melts our heart everytime we see it, and then WHAM two pops on each leg. It was the saddest thing i think we had both ever seen.
Then we went to Bham at the end of that week and hung out with cousin Brookie and got to meet Uncle Matt for the first time! We had an awesome weekend in Bham, a little stressful at times trying to go around to shop and eat with two babies, but it was still a needed trip and so fun. Me and Ash just kept looking at each other and saying "We are THOSE people that we always made fun of" how life has changed. We ran around and played all weekend and watched tons of football. And little miss B got dedicated at church on Sunday too! We also got to hang out with Uncle Jan and Aunt Lisa and have a wonderful meal with them. It is always so nice to see them, break bread, and talk. We miss them so much! So I will have to blog with pictures from that weekend later. Since we have been back from Bham we have been trying to recover and unpack and get back on our schedule here at home and we are excited to be starting our third month of life!
Avie in your second month of life you did the following...
-consistently sleeping through the night from 9 pm to 8 am. We LOVE this :)
-Smiling like crazy! Sometimes you look like you want to laugh out loud!
-Cooing more often
-You absolutely love Patty Griffin's version of "Moon River" and you try to sing along with Mommy.
-Starting to move more with your legs. You like to squirm and move in your crib at night!
-You have awesome neck control and you love putting pressure on your legs like your standing and holding your head up!
Avie Cakes we have loved our second month with you and you teach us more and more everyday. Just when we think we have you figured out you change with more smiles and more surprises about your little personality. We love watching you grow and seeing what you are learning from your surroundings. God shows us His love for us through our relationship with you everyday. You are a true reminder of His unwavering love for us. We love you!

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