I found that since giving birth my hips and thighs are not quite what they used to be.
2. Stay Organized
If i could keep my house even half way as organized and clean as it is right now for selling and listing it, i would be a happy lady all year long. Once we started fixing things, doing work to our backyard, and de-cluttering our house it didn't look half bad. I thought "Hey i would buy this house." We did...3 years ago!!!
3. Read More
I want to start waking up early in the mornings and reading my Bible, because i have realised if I don't wake up oober early and set apart time for it, it just doesn't get done. And so far i am 0-4 on waking up early this year. I also want to read some of our books we have on our bookshelf, after organizing them for the sale i realised i didn't even know we had half of them!
4. Lose some LB's
So i know this one probably goes hand in hand with numero uno up there but i wanted a space for this picture. I saw it on someone's blog and had myself a giggle :)
We had a wonderful 2010 with a lot of craziness, and 2011 is looking crazy too! We have 3 weddings we are in with a 4th in question, 4 or 5 trips planned, one Bonaroo ticket bought, and possibly a move in store!Happy 2011 everyone! Hope everyone is starting the year off beautifully!!

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